1.5 / friday five

I have big plans for this blog in 2018. no, this isn’t me spouting off all this nonsense that’s not going to happen. Β I even put together an editorial calendar…. whaaaat?!! Β being oh so prepared and ready to crush it this year! i’m starting a new installment for each friday called the “friday five” – … Continue Reading

how to 2018

ah, a new year. you know all the sayings: “new year, new you” “a new beginning” “day 1 of 365” a new year gives you a new chance to do things different and with that, this gal makes her list of resolutions (or new habits to adopt) and grabs the necessities to do it. so … Continue Reading

the BEST black friday sales

Black Friday and Cyber Monday has turned into plain ol’ Cyber Week! Some sales have kicked off TODAY so I wanted to share them with you and I will be updating this page as they come out! Β also, if you click on the Black Friday Sales tab of this blog, you will see some of … Continue Reading

life lately and weekend sales

you know, it was a good run, but all good things must come to an end. Β I had a great run of weekly roundups for you all, but life interceded and things got busy and I got lazy…. anyways, here’s our life lately and be sure to scroll to the bottom for this weekend’s sales. … Continue Reading

the best of the sephora vib sale

There are many BIG sales that come through each year that I go crazy for, but the Sephora VIB Sale takes the cake! The hubs never understands how I can go into Sephora and blow so much money on so many little things, but its Sephora man, how can you not??!! To make up for … Continue Reading

current obsessions + weekend sales

well, this is my attempt at salvaging an instagram roundup for the past week. life get busy gals. Β  things happen, people need stuff, pictures don’t get taken… there’s not much material to work with from the past week, so i’m recapping what posts i did have along with some of the faves from Style … Continue Reading

haircare update

over a month ago, i did a haircare routine post and many of you had asked me for an update, especially after starting my monat products. Β in the last post, i had just started using monat and you can read what products i started with here. my routine has switched up a little bit: via … Continue Reading

shop for a cause: breast cancer awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, in case you’ve been living under a rock! Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also … Continue Reading

my makeup routine

lately i’ve been receiving a lot of DMs about beauty stuff and while i’m not trained/schooled in those areas, I clearly enjoy them. its just random honestly since my blog is fashion-focused BUT you ask and you shall receive and if you missed my recent beauty posts, you can check them out here and here. … Continue Reading

my haircare routine

one post that has been consistently requested is my haircare routine, but i’ve honestly been putting it off bc if i told you how i would normally “care” for my hair, you’d be shocked. so i’ll tell you what i used to do and the recent changes i’ve made. my old ways i’ve always liked … Continue Reading