My Birthday Wishlist

fleece | stand mixer | coat | black sneakers | cast iron pan | perfume | skincare set | slippers Yup, it’s my birthday! Forty-Freakin-One! It feels just like forty, don’t be alarmed, ha! So in celebration of my birthday, I’m sharing some things on my current wishlist! It’s mostly cozy wear for the winter … Continue Reading

Winter Skin Prep

It’s getting REALLY chilly around here lately so it’s about that time to switch up my winter skin routine to get ready for the freezing temps that will be here before you know it! Here are some face and body products I use to get my skin prepped for winter! Ever QUENCH Advanced Hydrating Booster … Continue Reading

Alopecia Update

Ok, so this is a pretty personal post for me, but I’ve had such great conversations with people around Alopecia and I’ve been asked for an update on it, so here we go. Back in early June, I noticed a small bald spot forming in the front of my scalp. I had no idea where … Continue Reading

Shop For A Cause: Breast Cancer Awareness 2021

Did you know that 1 in 3 women in the US will develop cancer in their lifetime? – American Cancer Society Sadly, we all know at least one person who has been personally impacted by cancer, whether it be you personally or a loved one.  I feel very strongly about using my platform for good … Continue Reading

The Monthly Beauty Edit | September 2021

Back again with another Monthly Beauty Edit! Missed previous month’s? Check em out HERE. The Monthly Beauty Edit is where I share my thoughts on any new beauty and/or skincare products I’ve tried in the past month. I have not tried that many new products the past few months, but next month, I’ll have a bunch to review … Continue Reading

The Monthly Beauty Edit | June 2021

Back again with this month’s Monthly Beauty Edit! Missed last month’s? Check it out HERE. The Monthly Beauty Edit is where I share my thoughts on any new beauty and/or skincare products I’ve tried in the past month so let’s get to it! CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum I had seen TIBAL share their … Continue Reading

Your Guide to Memorial Day Weekend

It is no secret that Memorial Day Weekend is my favorite weekend of the year! I am always grateful for those who gave their lives to serve and protect our country and excited for the official kickoff of summer! We like to spend MDW down the shore (regardless of the weather) to spend time with … Continue Reading

The Monthly Beauty Edit | April 2021

I try a lot of beauty products out and I figured, why not share my results each month with you? I mean, I love when I discover a new product and I’m sure you do too so just sharing the love per usual! Each month, I will give you a recap of new products I’ve … Continue Reading

May Bucket List

Hello, hello, Happy May! May is here and with that comes pretty flowers, sunshine and warmer temps! Just a few of my favorite things! Anyways, a new month brings a new Bucket List! I have been loving checking things off my bucket lists so far this year and I love the messages you’ve been sending me … Continue Reading

My Hair Washing Routine

Hair Washing. It’s such a chore, but we’ve gotta do it! I am often asked about the products I use on my hair and how often I wash, so I figured, why not just share it here so you can reference it back whenever you’d like! I wash my hair about every 4-5 days. I … Continue Reading
