snow day style.

Living in New Jersey, we usually get a taste of all four seasons.  Sometimes summer will even peek its beautiful face out in the middle of winter….like our 70degree Christmas Day this year. Regardless, around the end of January, we get winter in full effect and then comes the snow.  Last weekend, we got over … Continue Reading

2-in-1 dinners.

As a working mom, quick and easy dinners are my go-to for sure! I’ve been into 2-in-1 dinners lately to cut down on cooking time, still provide a healthy dinner and have plenty of QT with the kids afterwards. They make meal planning easier and cut your grocery bill as well! What is a 2-in-1 … Continue Reading

10 things you don’t know about me.

1.Β  I’m obsessed with the number three, as well as triangles and arrows. 2.Β  I have a running checklist going thru my mind 24/7.Β  I occasionally drive my husband crazy while mentally checking off that list. 3.Β  Speaking of the hubs, he is the Founding and Lead Pastor at Fervent Church in Voorhees, NJ.Β  Don’t … Continue Reading


  I want to first thank you for stopping by my site! However you stumbled upon it, thank you! I have toyed with the idea of a blog/website for years. I’ve tried the OOTD route, a food blog, fitness. You name it, I’ve tried it. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I finally … Continue Reading