H&M Fall Wardrobe Capsule

It’s about that time! Another Fitting Room Diaries! H&M can be a difficult place to do a Fitting Room Diaries bc there is SO MUCH that I like, but you don’t need a 30+ outfit try-on, am I right?!!Β  So for this week, I decided to grab items that you can mix and match with … Continue Reading

Target Fitting Room Diaries // February 2019

Hey hey! I’m back with another round of Fitting Room Diaries! If you are new here, I hit the fitting rooms of some of my favorite stores and try on a bunch of new arrivals and take pics of them while sharing fit and styling advice with all of you! This week, I hit up … Continue Reading

what i wore last week + a dreamy day trip.

If you caught my last post, β€œthinking spring” then this past week’s outfits will come as no surprise to you! lots of statement sleeves, ruffles and my always go-to black and white looks. monday = the bell sleeve i don’t know about you, but loft has been killing it with the trends for us 30+ … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > the final recap + conclusion

here we are, the end of my january wardrobe capsule…. this was tough guys. i also realize my last two recaps said the same thing. maybe i’m not the capsule type? i don’t know, but i tried. kinda. i know i wasn’t supposed to shop during the month, but nordstrom, anthropologie and apricot lane came … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > week three recap

week three was tough, man. i don’t recommend shopping while in the midst of a capsule bc if you’re anything like me, you want to wear your new stuff asap. so that presented a problem + i deviated from the capsule a little. i never claimed to be perfect + i’m still learning this whole … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > week two recap

week two, complete! let me tell you, week two was tough. granted, I’m not to the point yet where I need to be really creative with how I mix things up, but I just started feeling some sort of way about this whole wardrobe capsule thing. Β feeling restricted to a certain amount of items was … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > week one recap

ok, so let’s just say my first week of the challenge didn’t start off as easily as I expected. Β unfortunately, my Nanny passed away so the first part of the week was spent in funeral wear that I did not account for in my wardrobe capsule. Β the week is also ending with a snow storm … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > part one.

a new year, a new plan. does this sound like your typical new year post? maybe it is, but its something that’s a long time coming for me. my closet has gotten out of control.  there are things hanging in it that i’ve worn once + some i haven’t worn at all.  at some point, these … Continue Reading