I want to first thank you for stopping by my site! However you stumbled upon it, thank you!
I have toyed with the idea of a blog/website for years. I’ve tried the OOTD route, a food blog, fitness. You name it, I’ve tried it. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I finally decided to throw it all together. Not only is he cute, but he’s my biggest fan. So with his design expertise and my love of pretty much everything, www.jillianrosado.com was born.

So…who am I?

I’m Jillian. I’m a 30-something wife, mom, stepmom, daughter, sister, friend and 90s rap enthusiast. I love cooking, clothes, makeup, interior design, crafting….pretty much everything! The goal of this site is to share all of these things with you! Whether it’s trying to meal plan for my family while working full-time and trying to keep healthy foods on the table….to balancing being a wife, mom and friend……to finding the perfect dress for that hard to figure out occasion…..to having the perfect brows…..to decorating for the holidays…..to DIY’ing anything and everything…..you will find it all here!
I’m really looking forward to sharing my life and interests with you. Please be sure to subscribe on the side so you don’t miss anything! Please also feel free to follow me on instagram, twitter and pinterest.
xoxo, jillian

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