Today, Mike and I are celebrating seven years of marriage! Some of you might be confused by that bc we have teenagers, so for those who didn’t know, we have a blended family and this is both of our second marriages.

Our story is a great one! I started attending Fervent in December of 2014 and in April of 2015, Hunter decided to throw up in the kids room during church. It was so bad that they had to evacuate the entire room. I got pulled out of service and forgot my purse so I then had to go back into service and…. it was just a whole thing. Anyways, Mike asked my friend Kate for my number to text me and make sure Hunter was ok and that I wasn’t mortified and from there we just kept talking. For over 3 weeks to be exact. Texting and talking all day long until our first date at the end of May and after that, it was curtains. We knew it was something really special and in August of 2015, yes just a few short months later, we got married!

Everyone thought we were crazy and that it wouldn’t last, but here we are seven years later and stronger than ever! I guess when you’re older, you know what you want and what you don’t and we just knew. I’m so grateful to have such an amazing husband and looking forward to celebrating with him tonight!

So got a little personal in today’s post and yes, there are a ton of more details, but I’m keeping it short for your convenience πŸ˜‰ Be sure to head over to Instagram to watch a quick reel of our relationship timeline

xo, jillian

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