its monday and i need all the coffee and all the dry shampoo to get my hustle going so this tee was a MUST.

if we’re not friends on Facebook, you might not know what ‘style your life by jillian rosado‘ is so this post is to share that with you.

style your life by jillian rosado is a group i’ve created of women who love fashion, beauty, sweet deals and managing life.
whether you are single, married, a mom or daughter, there is something for anyone.

i share everything that i’m loving with funny memes about my day, the latest free people sale (bc who in the world doesn’t want free people on sale?!) or a live video just talking about how i’m getting thru this crazy life on the daily.

disclaimer: Β I am a stella & dot stylist so I do share our newest launches and sales within the group. Β I do accept other stylists bc I also cover so much more than just jewelry!

so if you’re looking for a place to connect with other women or just learn more about me, click here – i’d love to chat with you!


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