simplify with jillian rosado > week three recap

week three was tough, man. i don’t recommend shopping while in the midst of a capsule bc if you’re anything like me, you want to wear your new stuff asap. so that presented a problem + i deviated from the capsule a little. i never claimed to be perfect + i’m still learning this whole … Continue Reading

simplify with jillian rosado > week two recap

week two, complete! let me tell you, week two was tough. granted, I’m not to the point yet where I need to be really creative with how I mix things up, but I just started feeling some sort of way about this whole wardrobe capsule thing. Β feeling restricted to a certain amount of items was … Continue Reading

snow day style.

Living in New Jersey, we usually get a taste of all four seasons.  Sometimes summer will even peek its beautiful face out in the middle of winter….like our 70degree Christmas Day this year. Regardless, around the end of January, we get winter in full effect and then comes the snow.  Last weekend, we got over … Continue Reading

winter uniform.

“I’ll spend $500 on a bag, but I won’t spend $25 on a shirt!” – yours truly. Now let me explain. I don’t go out and buy a new bag every month, I’m talking more like once a year. Let’s face it, I’m not a millionaire, I don’t have an exorbitant amount of money to … Continue Reading