40 just came swooping in out of nowhere. It smacked me upside my head while I was still going around feeling like I’m 27yrs old. With that, my body has started changing and I’m hyper-aware of my skin! I have struggled with hormonal acne in the past (see HERE) and while its cleaned itself up dramatically, other things have started to creep up – loss of elasticity, new wrinkles, deeper wrinkles, dullness, etc. My skin is nowhere perfect, but I always keep it real with you guys so sharing an unfiltered, no makeup selfie with you here.

In fact, Real Simple shared:
According to the doctors on the show, your 40s is when you really start to see major changes in the firmness of your skin. You’re dealing with loss of volume and elasticity (leading to skin that appears saggy), as well as more pronounced wrinkles and sun damage, which may lead to conditions like melasma. While you may start to invest in more aesthetic treatments, the doctors said that the most successful patients are the ones who mix in-office treatments with their knowledge of skincare. That is, they make lifestyle adjustments to help support the results from the treatments.Β 

So there are a few things I’ve added into my diet and skincare regimen as well as some things I’ve been contemplating adding in. I’ll walk you through them all below:

My Diet

A poor diet shows big time in your skin. Be sure to drink a ton of water and incorporate fruits, vegetables and clean foods into your diet. Dairy is definitely a trigger for my skin, but I love me some ice cream, so I just try to limit huge amounts of it in my diet, but I will splurge on some Ben & Jerry’s occasionally.

My Skincare Regimen

I’ve recently incorporated intentional exfoliating twice a week to slough off those dead skin cells which definitely increases your skin’s glow and clarity. I have been liking this one from Derma E.

Vitamin C is huge to brighten, firm and smooth your skin. HUGE. I have been using this one from Ever Skincare every morning and love how great it feels on my skin. Note: Be sure to wear it with a sunscreen as your skin will be more sensitive to the sun when using a Vitamin C serum. I like this one from Ever Skincare for my oily skin. It contains SPF 30.

Another product I’ve added to my routine is Hyaluronic Acid. Its great for hydrating and firming your skin. I’ve been using this one from Dr. Zenovia and love its lightweight formula.

Retinol is HUGE in your 40s. If you’re not using a retinol, I suggest adding one asap. I use retinol at night and be sure to check the other products you’re using with it – retinol does not play nice with vitamin C,Β benzoyl peroxide andΒ AHA/BHA acids. So I’ll use my Vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night a few times a week. Beware, retinol can be strong so I don’t recommend using it daily. I like this one from Drunk Elephant and this affordable option from RoC.

What I’m Contemplating

As I hit 40 and have seen more and more of my girlfriends embrace Botox, I’m 95% sure I’m gonna give it a shot. I know, I know, but there are just some random lines that I wouldn’t mind going away and helping me look more fresh and awake. I’m definitely going to take an uber-conservative approach to Botox and see what happens.

Filler is also an option to plump up your skin, but if I’m honest, I am terrified of needles and a deeper injection into my face scares the crap out of me!

Besides that, I’m still doing research on lasers and love a good peel, but I leave those to the professionals.

So there you go, my BRIEF walkthrough of skincare in your 40s! Most important thing you can do is to connect with an esthetician or dermatologist bc I have ZERO training in this area, just sharing what I’ve learned and what I personally do!

Have something that works well for you? Share it in the comments!

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